Preparing you and your space for comfort and ease


Explorations can be adapted to any way you find it most comfortable to practice, and all movement levels are welcome. Options include lying down on your back (supine); sitting on the floor, on a cushion, or in a sturdy chair on a non-slip surface. At some point you may be invited to explore while lying on your side (side-lying shape), being on all fours (quadruped shape), and rolling onto your belly (prone).

Comfort is key! On hardwood floors, please use a cushy mat or a yoga mat with blankets stacked on top. Space-wise, about 9-foot x 9-foot (just under 1 square meter) open floor space might suffice. While lying on your back, you’ll want to be able to roll left or right onto your belly without hitting furniture or walls. If your lower back needs support, bring a pillow or bolster to place under your knees.

A quiet space is ideal, where you are free from distractions, including adorable pets.

Clothing: Non-restrictive clothing is suggested for freedom of movement. Not too held together, like lycra for a workout class, but not too baggy where you might get all twisted up as you move around on the floor.

Have nearby: a place to set down your eyeglasses; water; socks and a blanket for for longer dives (body temperature may drop a little); pen and paper for journaling. Tissue. Lip balm. Eyedrops for contact wearers.

You may find it beneficial to track your experiences throughout, and making notes or journaling can benefit your practice greatly. I’ll invite you to have your somatic references handy to reflect on: What did you notice changed for you? Comparing your very first day to your final day of the course, what have you observed? What nuggets of wisdom did you harvest after your explorations?